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Indian Peaks Wilderness Area run: Devils Thumb, High Lonesome, and King Lake

July 21, 2012

19.35 Miles with about 5000′ of cumulative elevation gain in 4:20, including some distance along the Continental Divide at over 12,000′.

Photo credit: Glory

Headed out this morning with the Boulder Trail Running Breakfast Club for a long run in the high country.  We had another solid group with some veterans and some newbies – I fall somewhere in between with today’s outing being my 3rd with the group.  Pressed for time to get in my miles for the day, I pushed a little harder than I probably should since I was pretty tired before we even started.  But, the weather was perfect and nothing was injured and I do need to get the training.

Since the run is a “no drop,” where the front runners wait at trail crossings for everyone to regroup, I did my best to run towards the front of the group most of the day, doubling back at trail crossings to catch up with the last in the group and run back over some sections of trail an extra time.  This was actually a lot of fun, as I got to try to hang with the speedsters then get the added mileage and conversation with whoever happened to be dragging on any particular stretch.  In all, I added right about 3 miles to the group route without having to stay out any later solo, as I sometimes do.  Not that it was primarily an altruistic move on my part but it did feel good to be able to lend some support to those who were struggling or just not quite as quick on the day, as there are plenty of times I’m the slower one and it isn’t much fun feeling left behind.

Totally off-topic but what the hell is wrong with companies like Time Warner ?  Why do you constantly call without leaving a message?

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